Community Mobilization

VCA Mass Workshops

Film 7: Vision, Commitment and Action Workshops:

Topics Covered:

The five principles of ending hunger and poverty, namely; change of mindset, good leadership, vision, commitment and action. Initial VCA workshops teach the five principles in a general sense and can typically take the form of a motivational speech.

After the initial round of general workshops, VCA workshops with a focus on a specific thematic area are held. For example, a VCA workshop may held with a focus on HIV, showing how knowing your HIV status can help to end hunger and poverty and linking HIV awareness to each of the five principles.


To change the mindset of the community to believe that they themselves possess the solution to ending hunger and poverty in their communities. This is achieved through teaching the ‘five principles of ending hunger and poverty’.


All SSs conduct mass VCA workshops in the first weeks of a new Epicenter being established. EPOs continue to conduct the workshops after this time.

Then, once VCA animators have been trained, they conduct the workshops themselves in their communities until the Epicenter reaches self-reliance.

Target Participants:

The first VCA workshops delivered by Implementing Officers are attended by all members of the community as well as traditional local leaders and local Government officials. Community wide VCA workshops continue throughout the life of the Epicenter so that new members of the community are engaged, the vision for the community is further developed and new openings for action are identified.

Later VCA workshops, including those delivered by trained VCA animators, may target certain communities of people groups, depending on the focus of the workshop. For example, a VCA workshops with a focus maternal nutrition may be targeted at women.

Resource Requirements:

Implementing Officers should bring copy of the VCA workshop manual and pens and paper for recording attendance.

Copies of the manual should be given to animators (in the local language) to use for reference when conducting their own VCA workshops. Animators should also be given pens and signing sheets to allow them to record attendance.


Revision of the VCA workshop manual. When conducting and issue based VCA workshop, the facilitator should think in advance about how the issue they intend to cover links into each of the five principles and can contribute towards ending hunger and poverty.

As with all VBWs, the VH of the village where the workshop is to take place should be informed in advance for each workshop. This allows them to inform and mobilize the villagers to attend the workshop.


Mass VCA workshops should last for no more than two hours. SSs will conduct VCA workshops every day in the first week of implementation. Thereafter EPOs aim to conduct a minimum of two VCA workshops per month.

Those conducted by animators typically last for no more than an hour. VCA animators aim to conduct one workshop per week in the Epicenter between them.

Course Content:

Training Evaluation:

EPOs based permanently in the community continually monitor the commitment of local people to the Epicenter activities and gauge the need for further VCA workshops to be conducted.

Action Plans:

Participants are asked to make a public commitment to achieve (its stated vision) and the identification of a set of actions necessary to achieve the vision. Participants are asked to develop specific action plans for a community project that they will achieve independently in the next three months using their own initiative, skills and resources.

VCA Animator Training

Topics Covered:

The five principles of ending hunger and poverty are covered in depth as well as group facilitation and workshop planning skills.


To train VCA animators in how to effectively conduct VCA workshops with their communities.


All experienced SSs and EPOs.

Target Participants:

The most active and engaged animators from each of the thematic areas are selected to also become VCA animators and attend this training.

Resource Requirements:

As per general guidance.


As per general guidance.


The VCA Animator Training lasts for two days, with the second day being a practical day, where animators conduct a mock workshop in a nearby village. They are observed by their peers and the trainer, who then provide feedback back in the classroom.

Refresher courses are held with animators once a year.

Course Content:

The same manual is used for the Training of Trainers Workshop as for the actual workshops themselves. Alongside this, the content is essentially the experience and skills of the SS and EPO in conducting VCA workshops being passed on to the animators, so in this sense can be seen more as coaching rather than pure training exercise.


EPOs attend the VCA workshops that animators conduct at village level to act as a backstop and to monitor their progress. This allows them to evaluate the effectiveness of the training first hand and provide coaching and mentoring if required.

Action Plans:

Trained VCA animators make an action plan for the next six months for the VCA workshops they plan to conduct within their villages. They discuss their plans with the EPO on an on-going basis.

Epicenter Committee Training

Waiting on submission of manual from THP on Leadership component

Topics Covered:

  • An in-depth briefing on the Epicenter Strategy.
  • The roles and responsibilities of the Committee.
  • Leadership training
  • Report writing


To instruct the Epicenter Committee how to manage the Epicenter, including allocating roles and responsibilities, how to manage volunteers and finances, identifying and prioritizing issues in their village and how to write proposals for funding to meet these needs.

To instruct the Epicenter Committee on good leadership and governance.

To give the Epicenter Committee a comprehensive briefing on the Epicenter Strategy.


Experienced SSs and EPOs. An external consultant may deliver the leadership component.

Target Participants:

The Epicenter Committee Members

Resource Requirements:

As per general guidance


As per general guidance



Course Content:

Waiting on submission of manual from THP on Leadership component


As per general guidance

Action Plans

The Epicenter Committee have a meeting on the 25th of the month each month. At this meeting the committee receive reports from each of the thematic areas to compile a report for the EPO.

Strategic Management

Waiting on submission of manual from THP  

Topics Covered:






Target Participants:

The Executive Committee Members, made up of committed Animators

Resource Requirements:






Course Content:

Waiting on submission of manual from THP  



Action Plans:

May include a learning visit to an already self-reliant Epicenter