Schedule of Training Courses

1 Mobilization Phase

  1. VCA workshops conducted by SSs and EPOs
  2. Identification and training of VCA animators
  3. VCA workshops conducted by EPOs and VCA animators
  4. Identification and training of the Epicenter Committee
  5. Identification and training of Animators for each thematic area – except M&E
  6. Election of committees for each thematic area from among trained animators
  7. Adult Literacy Instructors trained

2 Construction Phase

  1. VCA workshops continue, conducted by EPOs and VCA animators
  2. Identification and training of M&E animators
  3. Refresher courses for animators in other thematic areas
  4. Training in GAP begins for lead farmers and wider community
  5. Animators begin to conduct VBWs
  6. Once Epicenter is constructed, Nursery caretaker trained
  7. Credit and VSLA group leaders trained

3 Program Implementation Phase

  1. VCA workshops continue, conducted by EPOs and VCA animators
  2. Refresher courses for animators in all thematic area training courses
  3. Identification and training of IGA Committee
  4. GAP training continues
  5. VBWs continue in all thematic areas
  6. Local Government officer trains credit group leaders in cooperative management
  7. MUSCCO trains SACCO Board members once formed

4 Transition to Self-Reliance Phase

  1. Identification of the Executive Committee to manage the transition phase.
  2. Executive Committee Receive training in ‘Strategic Management’
  3. GAP training continues

Notes to the Schedule

A workplan is developed annually by the Implementing Officers in partnership with the community, which details all activities to be undertaken at Epicenters in the coming year, including training courses. This includes both training to be conducted by internal and external facilitators. SSs are responsible for ensuring the plan is enacted, both by their own staff and Government staff.

Many of the training sessions that happen are dynamic and reactive. The agenda for training in many of the programs is decided in partnership with the Government. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a detailed year-by-year schedule of all training session that will apply to all Epicenters, since they will vary in different places and at different times depending on the needs of the community and the changeable Government agenda.

It should also be noted that over the eight years of implementation, animators may no longer be willing or able to complete their duties and drop out of the program. This means the process of recruiting and training and re-training animators is continuous. Some shown may need to be repeated in full, rather than having a refresher course, if there is a significant turnover of animators in a given year.