
First 1,000 Days Initiative Health & Nutrition Animator Training

Topics Covered:

  • Nutrition
  • Maternal Health and Nutrition
  • Infant Nutrition
  • Hygiene and Water


Establish effective nutrition programs at epicenter level by educating animators on the following topics and how to effectively communicate them to their communities:

  • What is Nutrition? What are Nutrients (including the different types of nutrients)?
  • Food Groups & Balanced Diet
  • The importance of good nutrition, in general and for maternal and infant health
  • Basic science of maternal nutrition
  • The importance of exclusive breastfeeding & basics of weaning children off breastmilk
  • Food for children of specific ages
  • The importance of potable water
  • The different methods of purifying water
  • The importance of handwashing


Nutrition SS and/or EPO

Target Participants:

Nutrition Animators.

Resource Requirements:

  • Print-outs of the pictures and diagrams contained in the Training Manual – cut out to shape if required
  • Tape for sticking the cut-outs to the flipchart paper
  • Handmade signs with the name of each food group written on it
  • Water from each purification method prepared as explained in the session
  • Cups
  • Copy of water purification methods handouts
  • Label for bottles of water
  • Empty plastic bottle, scissors and string


The training is planned in partnership with local Government nutrition officers, so these must be engaged before the training can happen. The program officer must plan together with local Government officers on which topics will be facilitated by whom and on which days.

The facilitator must also re-read the relevant training manual prior to the training to ensure the material is fresh in their minds.

Activities in the training require pictures and diagrams from the Training Manual to be printed out, and in some cases cut to shape, in advance of the session.


Initial training takes five days, with a three-day refresher.

Course Content:


As per general guidance.

Action Plans:

As per general guidance.

Other Externally Facilitated Training

Local Government officers conduct Animator Training Courses on; Dietary Diversity/Food Groups, Kitchen Gardens, Nutritional Behaviors, Child/Infant Weight/Height Monitoring, Food Preservation, Use of (cooking) Equipment and Food Processing